Thursday, August 29, 2013

You guys...

I'm in love...God, it's a magical feeling. A miracle. I'm scared because he's so wonderful. Like one day I'm gonna wake up and realize this life of mine is a dream...I never knew living could be this damn amazing...and it's not just him. It's and Momma grow closer by the day, I have an amazing three year old, the best friends a girl could ask for. The mudpit/swimming hole are five minutes down the road. I enjoy my work. I'm about to take a two week vacation to California with my Grandma. I mean...when you stop focusing on the negative; the positive becomes so overwhelmingly sweet it will literally knock you off your feet. Straight to your knees praying to God it lasts forever; thank Him for all He's ever helped you through. And you know in that one moment that every single thing from the past lead up to this; this miracle of life. Living to the fullest; laughing like there's no tomorrow; loving every little precious moment. I can't even describe in words to you all how amazing this joy of life is. Just do me a favor. Today/tonight take a moment. Look up at the sun or the moon; revel in their beauty. Notice the way the wind moves ever so gracefully; and the clouds float in the breeze. The stars twinkle with untold secrets and amazing delight. Spend a moment feeling the way Mother Nature caresses the earth; like a child just from the womb. Take a moment to breathe in the sweetness filling the air. When you breathe out exhale all that stress; the fear; any doubts. Let them out into the universe to be recycled and brought back to you in a new light; with gentle love and joy for your heart. And in that moment; if you do this; remember that life is amazing. It's a journey through time, with highs and lows; but ALWAYS ALWAYS full of love and laughter. ALWAYS full of miracles.

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