Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's been a while.

A friend told me "post already". Tonight; I think; is the perfect night for such a thing. My beloved Bread left me; or I left him. I'm not really quite sure. The issues we had been having are actually why I haven't posted in a while. That's still a tender spot though so lets get into some positive :) oh Hell; you all know we're gonna delve into that some. Tehe :)
During the past few weeks I've learned so much more about myself. My life has taken some major twists and turns. So I guess we'll start from the downfall of the new job? I despised it. The expectations they set were nothing like the real deal. Not at all. The training wasn't sufficient; and I have never EVER felt as inadequate as I did at that job. I mean; it made me feel terrible. Absolutely horrible for my self confidence. On top of that the stress was eating me alive! My blood pressure was so high I was shaking constantly; my sides were itching (I've had shingles before), I wasn't sleeping. Just bad. Plain old bad. So then the plumbing went haywire at the house and I had to call in a couple of days to be here with the plumbers. And magically the itching stopped; I wasn't shaking anymore. I even got a full nights rest. It was then that we made a family decision for me not to go back.
About a week later I got hired on at Tractor Supply. I love it. Absolutely positively love my job. The people are awesome, I enjoy my work. I feel like I don't even work; it's amazing. And I've had more time with my son. We go muddin/swimmin a lot. We have a lot of nights around the bonfire. And then there's my whole group of friends. We laugh, eat, cry, play, and LIVE like there's no tomorrow. B makes me feel like a princess. He says he'll make me forget my heart was ever broken but only time will tell. Fish got a four wheeler and we've all had a blast on it. Oh yea; I "hired" a new best friend. We're gonna call her Zombie. See; Boo likes drugs. And I don't. I'm all for accepting people, but I can't be around someone into that lifestyle. So when Boo text me while on acid I knew something needed to change. So, talking to Zombie I jokingly said I was gonna put out an app for a new best friend. She applied and I accepted. She's the best best friend I've ever had. Anytime she gives me advice she gives me both sides of the picture,she tells me what she thinks is best instead of what she thinks I want to hear. And even if she doesn't agree with my decisions she will stand by me. There is no judgement between us; just unconditional love. It hurts when you decide to shut a door that's been open for years; but I have to say that I think it opened many more. And while I miss my log time best friend, Zombie is a much better friend to me.
Hmmm...what else has happened? Ooh! Let me tell y'all about my first date with B. We sat around a bonfire for quite a while and then we chilled in the bed of his truck for quite a while. Until the sun came up really. We danced under the stars and talked about life; made memories that will last a lifetime. I've never felt more comfortable being myself with someone. It's like a country song...funny, eh? I wanted something like that ;) and yea my guard is up. But lets be honest here; this man has already won me over. Every word he says, every action he shows me that he's real. And his whole dang family is like that! They say you're a product of your environment. If that's true I think I'm in Heaven.
Anywho; I'm so tired y'all...basically, I'm back to my roots and enjoying every moment of life. I've never been happier and happiness has never lasted this long. I'm so excited to see where life in general goes from here! Keep living, keep loving, and dance with the wind in the trees :)

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that you love your job. And I am happy to hear about you and B :)
