Sunday, July 21, 2013

In awe.

Have you ever had a best friend turned boyfriend? I have. It's so weird, in a good way. I thought I knew him so well. Yet I learn more every day. I am blessed enough to see a side of him that he doesn't show many people. He's my happy man. Carefree, stress free, happy. And putting on a mask for the rest of the world. He has allowed me the privilege of seeing him hurt and vulnerable. And it has made me love him that much more. I know, especially after tonight, that I can lean on him for support. He is finally allowing me to be there the same way for him. In general he makes me want to be a better woman. I feel like I don't deserve such an incredible man. I've hurt so many people in my past. I never want to hurt him; and I am terrified of karma. I want to put the biggest smile on his face. Every. Single. Day. I'm not madly in love, I'm still thinking clearly and I have my head on straight. I just, for once, have someone that makes me believe I am wonderful. He supports me in anything I do, holds me when I am weak, and laughs with me when I am strong. What more could a woman ask for? I want to grow with him, laugh with him, dance with him, match him tear for tear, protect him when the world is cruel, inspire him to follow his dreams, and be the best woman I can be for him. A lot of people don't understand our relationship, but they don't see us behind closed doors. Out in the world we're just two people having fun. Behind closed doors we live in our own little world where the pain hurts less and the laughter cures more. I feel this love grow inch by inch, every day just a little more. I'm praying it never stops growing.

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