Saturday, May 9, 2015

Why I don't like Mother's Day

"Oh, you're working on Mother's Day? That's so shitty. It's supposed to be a day about you, a day for you."

No. Just no. I don't want flowers or presents or any of that. I don't want a day "about me". That's not how you can show true appreciation for everything a mother does. You know what I want? I want to come home to a house that's clean.  Legitimately clean. With things on the to do list finished. I want a delicious melt in your mouth dinner prepared without having to do a thing. I want a movie cuddled up as a family in the living room. I want a bubble bath, complete with candles and a glass of wine. Norah Jones sultry tone playing through the speakers. I want to be seen as a woman and not just a mother. But you know what? I've got all of that. Maybe not every day, certainly a day doesn't go by without one of the children throwing a tantrum or something going wrong. But I don't care. I've got a little boy that gives me random kisses and tells me he loves me. He thanks me for dinner every night, says his prayers and tries his hardest to be the best little big man around. I've got a baby that hugs me and let's me cuddle him to sleep just about every night. I've got two kids that make me laugh, make me cry and show me every day that every moment with them is a piece of Heaven sent to earth. It's a blessing. Motherhood is a gift from God and I don't need appreciation for the blessings he's given me. I've got a man that sees when I'm overwhelmed and does everything he can to help. That shows me appreciation for raising two kids and doing all I can for our family but that also reminds me I'm a woman. He makes me feel like a goddess even with my stretch marks and bad attitude days. We're a team, a family that works together. And that's so much better than flowers once a year. That's everything. All day. Every day. No, I don't want Mother's Day. I don't care a thing about it other than making it special for my mother. I just want the every day. I live an extremely blessed life and I don't need some special day out of the year because every day is special to me.

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