Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I need...

A day to journey
A moment to breathe
The wind through my hair
The ground beneath my feet
A dress that flows when I walk
And a skip in my step
I need to recover
To restore
To retreat into me

This world is so overwhelming, and I may seem strong but inside I'm breaking. I need understanding. A hand to hold. Don't demand of me, but be there for me. And actually be there. For words sound so sweet but they turn so bitter when actions compete. I may make choices with which you don't agree. Don't snap. Don't be angry. Just take a moment and try to understand. For when you listen and watch from a place of understanding instead of retaliation the world becomes so much clearer. I miss the beauty of the wind dancing with the leaves... And oh how I long to dance freely. To wrap myself in the warmth of the love from this universe. This works is so beautiful and it's been so long adobe I've stopped to enjoy its beauty. The stars don't shine quite so bright hear and the music of the earth has turned to cats driving by and shouts throughout the night. Would you come away with me? Stand back patiently or run with me? Not running away. But running into the arms of earth herself. Would you breathe deeply with me as I take it all in? As I soak in the magick of this earth and restore my heart? If not I ask that you grant me the time to do so myself, for I so deeply need to breathe. To meditate and journey. Perhaps somewhere new, perhaps somewhere treasured. I need time with my thoughts, and moments to stand in the breeze. I need to run through creek beds and splash in the water as a child. I need to return the light to my eyes and the blush to my cheeks. The life to my very essence, for it has been so drained recently. My heart is hurting, my head is spinning. The wheels keep turning but they're stuck trapped here. My place is not in this city, burdened with the weight of this world. The stress is too much, the worries like chains on my feet that love to skip so freely. The day to day is often so lovely yet so taxing on my soul. And I know that you look at me and see what you see, but you've never seen me release my gypsy. She's so  desperately begging to be free, if only for a day. I promise you that we would return, though we may take the long way home. That sentence made me giggle for I'm currently listening to a Norah Jones song. It's called "Come Away With Me". That line is from a different song though. Could you imagine a day in the fields and trees? Just the two of us laughing and dancing and being. For just a day. I just want to be. Leaves the worries of reality behind and make a little magic to restore. It isn't really a want. This is what I need.

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