Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mornin' America

Wherever you are reading this, it's 11am here. I slept in :-) a full ten hours of sleep and I'm still tired, lol. Anywho; it's Fourth of July! This was one of my Daddy's favorite holidays (besides Memorial Day). We always got the whole family together and had our own little show. You know, he sacrificed a lot for this country. His life in the end. During the war he was a mechanic working on the airplanes. Back then they used fuels and chemicals that weren't safe, but didn't have masks to keep their oxygen clean. We believe that is what caused the lung cancer. Through it all he made sure he showed his love for our country and most importantly (to me) the people serving our country. So many people these days have turned their backs on the men and women that support and serve our country because they don't believe in the wars we've been fighting recently. I will never be able to do that though. These men and women sacrifice a lot to keep us free. In my eyes; our political views should never replace our love for the people that keep us free. Without them we wouldn't have the freedom to not only have those views but to express them as well. So this day, for my little family, is about expressing love. Rejoicing in our freedom and showing this country how blessed we are to live here. We have so much every day that we take for granted; that those in other countries are not able to have. We can choose our jobs, doctors, dreams, how many children we want. We have the freedom to start our own businesses, go wherever we want whenever we want. If we don't like a job? We can change it. If we don't like where our life is going? We can start over. We, as the people, often get caught up in the intricacies of daily life and forget how blessed we truly are. So today as you go about your daily chores and prepare for the celebrations this evening; notice all of the little things you do every day. While you're at the store getting groceries; you aren't in line waiting for portioned food. You can get as much as you want instead of your government deciding how much you deserve. While you're setting up decorations remember that you have the right to celebrate. As you hug and kiss your family and friends; remember that you've had the right to grow as big of a family as you want. Others don't. It's those simple little things we don't even notice anymore. THAT is that our servicemen/women fight for. Even now, as many of them aren't able to be home with their families because they're out there serving us. Light a candle for those that gave up their lives for us. Say a prayer (or a silent thank you for those not spiritual) to the men and women out there serving us as you read this.

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