Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Oh Wow!

This day has been so wonderful! I am ABSOLUTELY exhausted! Woke up around 8, made breakfast (and we had plenty of bacon!). Lovely Abbie spent the day with us :-) we played inside until it was time for Grams to go to dialysis. After a very unexpectedly easy nap time we played outside. Exploring the "forest" which is really the yard. We made necklaces from flowers, saw "monkeys" swinging in the willow trees, followed a bumblebee through the field, saw "monsters in the marsh" (filled in pond), swung in the sunshine and enjoyed the breeze. It was such a wonderful relaxing day. There really are no words to explain the feelings of the day. It was graceful, light, free, flowing. The way the breeze wove through the branches of the willows and the bees went about their daily work without a care. It was as if the three of us just blended in with the nature. The day flowed so freely it was over too soon!

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